Consistent Schedules and Disciplined Habits Always Lead to Success

A lot of people are asking me what I do to stay disciplined. Beyond the obvious: that I decide and commit to my goals and then I follow through — there is one powerful habit that literally changed the course of my life. I believe in following consistent schedules.

Every single morning I wake up super early – like anywhere from 3:30-4:30 AM. We all know that waking up early can be less than fun, just like working out or balancing your checkbook or doing the dishes or another household chore. But those tasks are necessary ones that always pay off later.

Before the sun rises, I’ve already finished my devotions (which in turn makes me start my day feeling grateful and alive), I’ve worked out (another great way to jump-start the day), I eat breakfast, and I do everyday tasks.

But what I have found is that waking up early gives me an edge. When I get up before the rest of the world, I have that much more time in my day to complete tasks that other people are going to have to do later.

Following Consistent Schedules Means More Time for What’s Important.

By 8:00 in the morning, I’m ready to focus on what’s really important: creating more success. You see, I can work out, do my devotional, answer email, pay a few bills, walk the dog, and review a pitch before 7:30 AM. Getting up early paves the way for the rest of my day to include success-building activities.

In other words, finish the everyday tasks before your competition is awake, and then go after the sale while they are doing their everyday tasks. Imagine how powerful consistent schedules like this can be! What effect might they have on the long-term growth of a company or achievement of a goal?

And they say that after people follow consistent schedules for 21 days, it becomes a habit. And if those habits are leading to your goals, that’s a good habit to have.

I’d love to hear from you guys. Please comment below. What is your discipline? What are you guys doing to stay disciplined to going after your goals?

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