#PitchChris Episode 4! Get Feedback, Marketing your script and Contacting a Production House!


On this episode of #Pitch Chris: where do you go for feedback? How should you market your script on your social media or blog? & what do you do when you call a production house and you get a voicemail – or the dreaded secretary?

Welcome to Episode 4 of #Pitch Chris, where you guys ask me questions about the entertainment business & I answer them. To ask me a question, send me a question on social media @ChrisDeBlasio, #PitchChris, and I’ll be more than happy to answer all those questions. Let’s take that first question.

“I have an original script that I know is awesome!

Who do I go to for feedback?”I’m happy that you think your original script is awesome. You should be proud of your work. The first thing that I would want you guys to do to go to feedback is go to your friends, go to your family, go to all your close contacts. Start there before you actually take it to a producer.

What you also want to do is, if you’re part of any networking groups or any writing networking groups, talk about it with other friends or writers that are in the business & get as much feedback as you can. Because once you get that feedback, now you can start refining it and refining it to make it that perfect, perfect script before you actually present it to a producer.

But I would definitely say start out with people that you know first & then go from there.

“Should I market my scripts on social media or on my blog to get seen by the right people?”

That’s a good question. I would not put all your stuff out there. Obviously you’ve got some copyright issues going on. You don’t want to just dump all your stuff out there for anybody in the world to access. You want to lock it down.

One of the biggest things that you really would want to do is register it with the WGA, which is the Writers Guild. Once you’ve registered with the WGA, now it’s protected. But I wouldn’t put it out there for the entire world to see. Much like the previous question before, start with friends, start with family to get some feedback on your script.

But most importantly, your pitch. You guys have to – have to – perfect your pitch. That is what sells the story. That’s what gets a producer’s attention. You don’t want to just drop your script off. You have to be ready, at 60 seconds or less, to fire off your pitch.

I would practice that with friends and family first to make sure you’re absolutely ready before you get in the room with a producer. Good question. Let’s take the next one.

“I saw your video about not emailing a long pitch, but when I call local producers, I get either their secretary or the voicemail. How do I get through so I can pitch my story?”

Hey, don’t give up. The biggest thing is that you’re making the attempt, which is great. You want to continue to make that attempt, continue to call. Let them know who you are. Eventually you’ll get through. Eventually you’ll get that meeting.

But I would say try to build relationships with people in the industry. Go to industry networking events. Find out how you can actually give value to a producer.

See if you could try to work at a production house, or try to help in a certain capacity.

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