Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia

Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia

Who would have ever thought that like ten years ago people who had actually…. this would be like a multi-billion dollar industry. ESports is freaking huge, most people don’t realize this. It started out with video games you know you’re playing at home by yourself then it then turned into two-player video games. ESports has revolutionized the entire industry. Hey guys we are here at Dreamhack Atlanta 2018 if you guys don’t already know it is a convention for eSports. It is buzzing here with all the new games all the new things are coming out, these teams are playing. ESports is huge. One of the things that I love about eSports is you know people never realized how big this was going to be and where it’s getting. Like who would have ever thought ten years ago that video games would be in a multi-billion dollar industry? It’s so big right now people don’t even realize there’s literally their peoples playing video games right now making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month just playing video games all day and people are actually watching them. What I believe in is I believe that it’s another piece of the entertainment business right? So we have the film and entertainment business but we also have eSports and I’m looking for ways to combine the two and then network with people want to be a part of it. – Yeah, yeah now there’s a new kid he’s sixteen or seventeen years old Tetris world champion. – It’s crazy – yeah he beat nope he beat a six or seven time world champion who’s straight out the bat. – wow – When he brought me in there I was like this is you know this is like what arcades right when your a kid back in the day when they had our case this is the new arcade. Hey so check it out today we actually all met at the studio here in Cobb County we’re recording a promo for the new Cobb International Film Festival. -The Cobb International Film Festival gives our County an Avenue to showcase films from around the world. Teach those who want to learn more about the industry through the workshops and recognize independent artists who excel at their craft. – The Cobb International Film Festival will be August 1st to 4th at the Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theatre. – So we just got finished with Mike Boyce making the official announcement for the Cobb County International Film Festival stay tuned as our company that is pushing more information. Right but she’s not she’s not originally a name to fund it right? It was a low-budget – Exactly so this was my concept was that a Chris and I Helton oh by the way you’re on camera no we’re recording everything no so so Helton and I met with a homeowner she owns a mansion it is actually in Roswell – No It is in Dunwoody. okay close enough anyway so this mansion in Dunwoody or whatever this was originally for the concept that had a while back. Well the outside of it is great perfect setting for a horror film. I had this opportunity where I was introduced to an investor a while back who has a mansion is a huge piece of property several thousand square feet that was undergoing renovation. But you know she’s looking to so why don’t we actually partner with her we can then come in also offset cost with product placement and do a low-budget horror film just to crank another one out of Georgia. We call the budget a million dollars and we spend you know a little over the incentive and just crank one out. Here’s the other here’s the other thing my thought was its what two million dollars three million dollars? all right so here’s the other caveat like 800 it’s gutted inside there’s nothing inside right. So my thought was and this was from another project that we talked about a while ago was that the production company came in and remodeled the whole place for the homeowner. So I had the idea of what if we structured this production in conjunction with them building right. So we have one location where it’s this mansion which is kind of like the star of the show and then we utilize the production like the set design to actually help offset not only the investors cost for rebuilding but we also get production financed that way as well. So we’re able to kind of leverage this piece of real estate to actually help make the movie. We’re actually remodeling the areas that were shooting in she’s gonna love that because it’s coming out of production incentive right still makes money we’re all happy.


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