CEO’s and Leaders!!!! You need to start branding yourself YESTERDAY!

You need to start branding yourself YESTERDAY! If you’re not focusing on your brand now if you don’t get started you’re going to get buried period. You’re gonna get buried and that’s what I told him I said every day that went by that we didn’t have this meeting and I know it’s only been […]

What is the one piece of advice does an Apache helicopter pilot has for you? FIND OUT on C-Level

What is the one piece of advice does an Apache helicopter pilot has for you? FIND OUT on C-Level - So Lucas tell me, if you were to give one piece of advice to somebody in leadership what would it be? - Well I'll tell ya I got a great piece of advice a long […]

Is this the future of SOCIAL MEDIA? Find out what U-Space is on C-Level with Chris DeBlasio with guest Tobin Brogunier of U-Space.

Is this the future of SOCIAL MEDIA? Find out what U-Space is on C-Level with Chris DeBlasio with guest Tobin Brogunier of U-Space. – Today on C Level, Tobin Brogunier, the founder of USpace, stops by. We talk about social media and privacy. Tobin, thanks for comin’ by. So we’re gonna talk about privacy, social […]

Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia

Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia Who would have ever thought that like ten years ago people who had actually…. this would be like a multi-billion dollar industry. ESports is freaking huge, most people don’t realize this. It started out with video games you know you’re playing at home by yourself then it […]

How do you deal with pending doom?

So.. it is January 29th and today the weather man here in Atlanta predicted that we were going to have a blizzard… it’s going to be a catastrophe and everything is going to be shut down… So I wanted to show you guys this…. It is so bright you cant even see out my window.. […]

Find out what you are really good at and do what you enjoy!

Find out what you are really good at and what you enjoy! So this past couple of weeks i was actually speaking at a lot of the schools and colleges out here…and I was finding that there was a lot of students that are trying to break into the film business but they don’t know […]

Reach Your Success by Helping Others

Reach Success the Right Way: By Helping Others Hi Friends! If you don’t know me, my name is Chris DeBlasio. I’ve worked in LA in the film industry and in New York for a number of years, and now we’re doing quite a bit of work here in Atlanta. I’m actually headed to a film shoot […]