Prep Perfect: 8 Must-Have Audition Tips to Help You Prepare

Prep Perfect: 8 Must-Have Audition Tips to Help You Prepare

Auditioning is more than memorizing lines. If you want to land the part, you need to prepare. Here are eight audition tips to help you nail your performance.

Quitting your 9-5 job. Moving to LA. Sitting through hundreds of auditions to pursue your dream of becoming an actor.

This may seem like the beginning of a cheesy rom-com. But for many budding actors out there, these are the first steps to break Hollywood.

You may be an awesome actor, but how do you get noticed in the sea of familiar faces that turn up to auditions? Don’t remain undiscovered, read these audition tips to find out how to nail your next audition.

Are you ready? Lights, camera, ACTION!

Preparation Is Key

As with any job interview, preparation is the key to success. With auditions, the competition is tougher than ever. You may feel like you’re a seasoned actor and don’t need to prepare, but preparation can keep you ahead of the competition.

These 4 acting audition tips will show you how to prepare for an audition before the big day arrives.

1. The Only Way Is Up

One of the first and foremost acting audition tips is to be a great actor. You may already feel confident, but there is always room for improvement.

Here are some acting tips you can try to put in place before your audition:

Another great way to improve your acting is to have one to one coaching sessions with a professional.

Doing these things will keep you on top of your game. And you’ll be sure to nail your audition.

2. Learn Your Lines

One of the most important acting audition tips is to get a script beforehand. Study the role and try to understand the background of the character and the overall tone of the production.

If you know these things, your performance will feel more dynamic. And sometimes, the casting director will ask your opinion of the script. You can say “bye-bye” to the role if you haven’t even bothered to read it.

Don’t forget to practice, practice, practice your lines. Test yourself when you’re doing household chores. Being confident about the lines will help you to feel less nervous on the big day.

3. Be Headshot Ready

In a typical audition, you will need to give one copy of your headshot and resume to the casting director. But always prepare a few extra.

You never know what might happen. They may lose your copy before the audition, or others may want a copy. Being prepared with extras will stop you from missing any opportunities.

4. Dress to Impress

Let’s get this straight. Just because you’re auditioning for a 1920s costume drama, it doesn’t mean you need to dress for the part. Wear something that won’t distract the panel from your acting skills.

Avoid anything that’s too patterned, or too plain. Avoid excessive bling and wacky styles. Try to wear clothes that are neutral.

If you can capture the role without wearing a costume, it will make you stand out as a genuine actor.

It’s the Big Day

Now you’re prepared, what’s next? It’s time to tackle the big day. These next 4 tips will show you how to prepare for an audition on the day itself.

5. Checklist for Audition Day

Out of all the tips, here is one of the most ingenious tips for audition day. Make a morning checklist!

This checklist will keep you punctual, relaxed, and ready for anything. For example:

Make your list as concise as possible. This will help you to keep on top of everything you need to do without becoming flustered.

6. Get Physical

Are you ready for some more handy tips for audition day? This one is about breaking into a sweat. Yes, some light exercise on the day of auditions will help you to feel the top of your game.

Research shows that exercise reduces stress. Taking a gentle jog in the morning or doing some yoga will relax and calm your nerves, yet will make you feel energetic. You should also do a light vocal warmup on the morning of the audition too.

But whatever you do, don’t exercise in the waiting room. Watching actors do the downward dog in the waiting room isn’t good for anyone!

7. Better Late Than Never

“Better late than never” does NOT work when it comes to auditioning. Don’t be late!

A good tip is to set, not one, but two alarms. Setting two alarms will guarantee you wake up at the right time.

Before the big day, find out the precise time, date, and location. If you’re not familiar with the area, it may be worth visiting the location a couple of days beforehand. This will help you to know exactly how long it will take for you to get there without panicking and getting lost on the day.

Aim to get there early, not on time. If you’re in luck, you may be able to have your audition a little earlier than planned.

8. Own the Stage

One of the most vital acting audition tips is to be confident. Auditioning, especially if you’re in the early stages of your acting career, may make you feel like a bag of nerves.

But first impressions count. In fact, you only have a 30-second window to make a great first impression. Confidence is key when winning the hearts of the casting panel.

Here are some acting tips to make you feel more confident:

Even if you’re feeling unwell or screw up because of nerves, you won’t get any sympathy from the casting director and team. So even if you don’t feel confident, ACT like you do!

Break a Leg with These Audition Tips

From these audition tips, it’s clear to see that you can’t just walk in unprepared. If you do, chances are, you’ll fail dramatically. Follow these acting audition tips and you’ll nail each of your auditions from now on.

But what can you do if you’re struggling to get an audition in the first place? Check out this guide to find out how to nab the best auditions out there, even if you’re new to show business!

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