Today Matters. How Will You Spend Your 24 Hours?

What We Choose to do Today Determines Our Tomorrow All we have in life is time, and how you spend your time determines how successful you are going to be. What you do today also starts a chain reaction for things to come. Think about it: if you exercise today, eat healthy today, and get twice […]

CEO’s and Leaders!!!! You need to start branding yourself YESTERDAY!

You need to start branding yourself YESTERDAY! If you’re not focusing on your brand now if you don’t get started you’re going to get buried period. You’re gonna get buried and that’s what I told him I said every day that went by that we didn’t have this meeting and I know it’s only been […]

The Importance of Collaboration | C-Level Guest: Lisa Fey

The Importance of Collaboration | C-Level  Guest:  Lisa Fey What makes things good isn’t just people it is people building off of each other, because a bunch of like-minded people are only going to get so far. What really pushes breakthrough thinking and innovation and creativity is building off what you bring versus what I […]

Find out what you are really good at and do what you enjoy!

Find out what you are really good at and what you enjoy! So this past couple of weeks i was actually speaking at a lot of the schools and colleges out here…and I was finding that there was a lot of students that are trying to break into the film business but they don’t know […]

Why does Marvel & Stranger Things look so good? Find out on C-Level: Guest Chris LeDoux Crafty Apes

Why does Marvel & Stranger Things look so good? Find out on C-Level: Guest Chris LeDoux Crafty Apes – People look at us like we’re nuts and they’re like, the thing is, I love it. They’re like, well don’t you just wanna go home sometime and watch television? I’m like no, I wanna make television. […]

Thankfulness, Teamwork and Gratitude | C-Level

Thankfulness, Teamwork and Gratitude | C-Level Great conversation with Scott Tindle of Kickfin®.. Take a listen! #ChrisDeBlaiso #CLevel #ScottTindle Our matrix is gratitude, relationships, innovation, and teamwork. We try and make all of our decisions within that framework start with a foundation of gratitude. If we’re not thankful for what we have we’ll never appreciate blessings we may […]

EPISODE 15 #PitchChris – Script Advice? Funding Your Project? Importance of Resume Credits?

EPISODE 15 #PitchChris Are you getting conflicting script advice? A new way to fund your project. How important are resume credits for a new actor? On this episode of pitch Chris I’m going to be talking to you guys today about how do you deal with conflicting advice when it comes to your script another […]

Hear how voice of the Atlanta Hawks got started behind the microphone at the age of 12!

Hear how voice of the Atlanta Hawks got started behind the microphone at the age of 12! – On this episode of C Level, I talk with Bob Rathbun, announcer for the NBA Atlanta Hawks. So Bob, thank you for coming down. – My pleasure. – So, I know a little bit of your background […]