Atlanta’s Agency 850 signs first-look deal with DCR Finance Corp’s new $150-Million Georgia film fund

Atlanta’s Agency 850 signs first-look deal with DCR Finance Corp’s new $150-Million Georgia film fund This deal will include $150-million in funds for productions filmed in Georgia   Atlanta, Ga. (28 August 2019) – First reported in Variety,  Agency 850 and DCR Finance Corp signed a first-look, investment deal where Agency 850 will exclusively provide […]

How do you get through to the right people to get your script read?

How do you get through to the right people to get your script read? Follow Chris DeBlasio Online Here: YouTube: Facebook:… Instagram:… IMDb: Twitter: Website: LinkedIn:… Onset Atlanta: #ChrisDeBlasio #Agency850 #MovieScripts  

What does an Executive Producer Do in the movie business? YouTube – Chris DeBlasio= Facebook – Chris DeBlasio= : Instagram- Chris DeBlasio= : IMDb- Chris DeBlasio= : Twitter @Chris_DeBlasio = : Website- = : LinkedIn- Chris DeBlasio = : An executive producer generally handles the financial piece […]

How do you go about including product placement into your TV shows or Movies?

FREE ADVICE: How do you go about including product placement into your TV shows or Movies? “I heard your video about product placement how do you go about working that into movies or TV shows?” Yes product placement so the way we work as a company is we work directly with a production company and […]

Unexpected Events Can Turn Into Wonderful Blessings

When the Unexpected Happens, You Have to Push Through A lot of people think that because I was in Hollywood, and I was acting in movies, that I had it easy. I did NOT have it easy. I actually moved in 2007, and in 2008 was when, most of you guys know, the market crashed. Everything […]

Celebrity CEO Episode 002 “How We Pay For It”

I have a TV show called #PitchChris… and the number one question I get on my show is how do I raise that first dollar? How do I make money? This is a way. Hi, My name is Chris DeBlasio.. I am an executive producer and CEO of Agency 850 I am probably insane but […]

Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia

Celebrity CEO Ep: 006 – E-Sports in Georgia Who would have ever thought that like ten years ago people who had actually…. this would be like a multi-billion dollar industry. ESports is freaking huge, most people don’t realize this. It started out with video games you know you’re playing at home by yourself then it […]

Episode 10 of #PitchChris: Cameras for Documentaries? Production Insurance and Funding? And…. How does a movie get made?

EPISODE #10 of PITCH CHRIS! What is the best camera for Documentaries? What is the deal with Production Insurance and Funding? And…. How does a movie get made from Start to Finish? On this episode of #PitchChris What is the best camera for documentaries, production insurance and funding and how does a movie go from […]