If you have a Job you need to hear what this Lawyer has to say!

If you have a Job you need to hear what this Lawyer has to say - On this episode of C-Level, I speak with Chandra Davis, attorney and co-founding partner of ELS, The Employment Law Solution Firm. - So, Chandra thank you so much for being on the episode. I'm excited about this episode because, […]

Is Content the New Currency? | C-Level

Is pushing content more valuable than money? Here what digital marketing coach Jason Swenk thinks as he talks with Chris DeBlasio. Content is the new currency. Content is the new currency providing value and pushing content because that is all that we have right now. Great episode, I mean just talking about everything that’s going […]

Legal Issues Concerning Covid-19 | C-Level With Amanda Farahany

Legal Issues Concerning Covid-19 | C-Level With Amanda Farahany I think one of the biggest things too is communication. You know its communication. The employer and the employee need to be in constant communication of everything that’s going on because it’s you’ve got two sides here right and everybody’s trying to figure this out but […]

Leveraging Social Media during the Downturn | How do you do it?

Leveraging Social Media during the Downturn | How do you do it? We are gonna get through this. This is going to come to an end and if you’re preparing yourself now and getting all this stuff out of the way when it does come to an end you’re gonna be that much more ahead […]

Nick Carse has built a FROZEN empire! Find out how the King Of Pops Co-Founder did it… on C-Level

Nick Carse has built a FROZEN empire! Find out how the King Of Pops Co-Founder did it… on C-Level   - You know what's interesting. So you take your failures. - Yup. - Or what you think is a failure, right. Because I don't actually love all of our pops. - Right. - And you […]

Sales people need to hear this! What are you doing to make sales during the slow-down?

Sales people need to hear this! What are you doing to make sales during the slow-down? This is out of people’s control right? It was an unexpected event but as a leader you know we got to roll with it we got to roll with it and and and maintaining that positive attitude and maintaining […]

Sports and Music go hand in hand. Learn how from Brandon Bissell of Ballpark Music

Sports and Music go hand in hand. Learn how from Brandon Bissell of Ballpark Music - I'm very, very fortunate in that I'm able to marry two things that so many people love each of them. And so many people love both of them. So, being in the middle of all of that, it's really […]

Thankfulness, Teamwork and Gratitude | C-Level

Thankfulness, Teamwork and Gratitude | C-Level Great conversation with Scott Tindle of Kickfin®.. Take a listen! #ChrisDeBlaiso #CLevel #ScottTindle Our matrix is gratitude, relationships, innovation, and teamwork. We try and make all of our decisions within that framework start with a foundation of gratitude. If we’re not thankful for what we have we’ll never appreciate blessings we may […]

The Importance of Collaboration | C-Level Guest: Lisa Fey

The Importance of Collaboration | C-Level  Guest:  Lisa Fey What makes things good isn’t just people it is people building off of each other, because a bunch of like-minded people are only going to get so far. What really pushes breakthrough thinking and innovation and creativity is building off what you bring versus what I […]

What are the legal issues surrounding Covid 19? | C-Level

What are the legal issues surrounding Covid 19? | C-Level If you’re just sitting back and hoping that the government is gonna come in and save you. That’s gonna put you in a very bad position. So Lee, I’m really excited to have you on my episode today. We’ve got a lot of topics that […]